Jono Poon, Entreprenuer & Social Media Guru
“I just attended a workshop run by Tony Fasulo, and I must say I’ve been blown away as he is such an interactive and engaging speaker and trainer.
I came away with a lot of insight in terms of how my thinking has changed, how my perspective has changed and how fun it was to be in that workshop because Tony is very interactive, engaging and he will push you beyond your own thinking.
Very insightful and thought-provoking, an amazing speaker. He is amazing at what he does and the training and insights that he gave, really have any impact that we can take away and use in our day-to-day lives.
Something that I would remember also is that he puts it into a simplified structure that you can actually take away and use afterward.
In a lot of workshops, we tend to learn and then forget. Tony’s training has a methodology and structure put in place so that it is made easier for us to remember and take away so that we can use on a day-to-day basis. I would highly recommend going to any training or event where Tony is speaking. I would highly recommend him to anyone thinking of attending any workshops or events that he speaks at.”
Sharon O’Neill – Life Coach and Public Speaking / Communications coach

Tony has a refreshing, interactive style of presentation which makes the topics relatable and easy to integrate. He presents the content in a straightforward, accessible way. He is clear about what he intends to deliver, he delivers it effectively for each audience and he confirms the learning with a connected conclusion. I thoroughly enjoyed his presentation and found much to take back to my own work and life.
Georgina Hodgkinson – Software Engineer | Tech Consultant | Speaker

I had great pleasure in attending one of Tony’s talks about attractiveness. It was a great talk and included the methodology of CAAPP. There were so many takeaways and something that is reachable and achievable for all of us. Tony has a friendly, clear, and professional manner and has a wealth of knowledge on what inspires and motivates people. I look forward to attending a future training session.
As a woman in tech, it is important to feel confident. Workshops like this help me to understand action points that can make a real difference to my attitude which is essential to taking more opportunities, being the best version of myself and able to perform better.

Harjit Lakham, Toastmaster
“I attended Tony’s Mental Flexibility Workshop as part of a Toastmaster’s event. It was fun, friendly and highly informative. Tony was a masterful guide
and through practical exercises made me think about how I deal with situations. In particular, I liked the ‘Point of View’ exercises that taught me to see the same situation through other’s eyes. I came away with practical tools that I am already using”

Rosina Pocock, Senior Executive Distributor
“I run a monthly open evening to promote and support our business opportunity. This is to showcase our business to prospective team members and also to give training and support to those already involved.
This year I asked Tony Fasulo to be our guest speaker as I wanted somebody who was engaging, inspiring and humorous, but at the same time, able to put across the message that ours is a credible business which can also be an income producing asset, now and in the future.
Tony fulfilled all of our expectations. Many thanks to him and we sincerely hope he will come back again next year!”
Barbara Atkins and Tracy Southern, Event Organisers

“Having heard Tony’s presentation at a Business Opportunity Meeting in Leicester, we felt compelled to invite Tony to speak at our meeting to help and inspire our team. Not only is his message very powerful and thought-provoking, his original style and delivery kept everyone in the room captivated. We had a fabulous meeting, including celebrating Tony’s birthday at the end of the evening too!”

Jenny Amos, Leadership and Success Coach
“Tony was our guest speaker at our monthly team training event and open evening. Tony as a public speaker, is very clear, well spoken and concise. It’s obvious he puts a lot of time and thought into bringing his training together, and had taken into consideration the type of people at our event.
Many people approached me at the end of the evening to thank me for organizing such a great speaker, which they took a lot away from. One said Tony bought “a breath of fresh air” to their business. The thanks are all with Tony though!”

Tony Ibbs, Toastmaster
“Tony gave his Mental Flexibility workshop following our Area Toastmasters’ Speech and Evaluation contest.
The workshop was a brilliant chance to unwind but still learn something. He started us off by mixing us up and getting us to know our neighbours and then taught us new things about how we think, with lots of audience participation. I learnt more than I expected (and not the things I expected), and had lots of fun.
I think the mixture of humour and serious thinking worked very well, and his control of the audience (and our shouted contributions!) was excellent.
I had come across the idea of fast response/slow response before, but his examples and coaching mean that I now feel that I have an understanding of it and of why it is a useful way to think about how we react.
Given the opportunity, I would definitely go to another of his sessions, expecting to be entertained and educated “

Ian and Katrina Hawker, Delegates
“We have both heard Tony speak a couple of times at various events relating to our business, and really enjoy his charismatic style which is both engaging and informative for his audience. Tony has a great sense of humour and we love the way he weaves stories into his talk making them relevant and memorable to the inspirational point he wishes to convey”

Nicola Brown (Delegate)
“I attended a Vision Group Business Opportunity Meeting (open evening) in Peterborough, where we always have some fantastic training in the second half of the evening. This is where I saw Tony Fasulo speak and I was blown away by what he said and how he came across. He had a way of drawing his audience to him, I felt he was honest, sincere and made a whole lot of sense. It was like he was speaking to everyone individually! I felt very emotional, as he touched on areas that meant a great deal to me and it was like he was saying to me “go on, you can do it, you’re special’.
A truly amazing speaker and I was so glad I attended so that I experienced such a brilliant session. The last time I felt so drawn into a speaker’s words was when I went to see the late Jim Rohn speak!”