Choose to make 2025 great!

I’ve already heard several people discuss 2024 on social media and say just how poor it has been.

Interestingly, it does not have much to do with the events that have occurred during the year that determine whether it was terrible. Of course, some events will be totally outside our control and potentially quite awful; however, the determining factor is how we respond to those events.

We control this one crucial thing—our response. We own that. We choose how to respond.

So, our response is the key to whether 2024 was a good year and whether 2025 will be more of the same.

Good and bad stuff happens to us throughout our lives; it’s called “Life”.

But the thing above all else is how we choose to respond to those events in Life.

Remember, we only have one life to live—as far as we know, we don’t get another one. And how we respond to that life is totally up to us. We can make it a fantastic life or a miserable life.

It’s in our hands; it’s our choosing.

So, choose to make 2025 a fabulous year!