Life can be tough sometimes…

But you’ve got all the power and internal magic already to deal with anything life throws at you. This is what life does…send you challenges to see whether you’re worthy.

And each challenge is a life lesson, that you learn and grow from.


I appreciate, some days we all go through the "why me!" stage, wondering if we can indeed deal with all the "stuff" that comes our way and hope we can just keep our head above water. But understand, this crap is all part of life’s journey and sent your way for YOU to learn from.


So the end result of all these life lessons? A stronger version of you! So you are then equipped to pass these life lesson pieces of wisdom, onto others!


Keep your personal standards high

Keep your personal standards high!

Because it’s your integrity we’re talking about here.

Doesn’t matter how others act or behave, it’s how you behave that counts!

When your integrity is right, you know in your heart, you are living life the correct way!


Nobody’s perfect!

Nobody’s perfect. Everyone makes mistakes.

Occasionally, you may make major “A” league mistakes, that ordinary mistakes you’ve made in the past, look on the mistake you’ve just made and even they shudder!

(What a whopper!)

But don’t beat yourself up about it! Every mistake you make should give you a lesson on how “not” to do something! It will be a life lesson.

So you should learn from that lesson and then move forward.

Sure, some mistakes hurt, but they are there to make you grow in some way.

So don’t despise those mistakes you’ve made, just make sure you learn from them!


You’re only powerless…

You’re only powerless if you believe you’re powerless…!

The truth is the total opposite!


You have far more power than you realise and that power can instigate change in your life.

It starts today. CHOOSE to use that power and make that difference!


Are you photoshopping your own selfie?

Are you photoshopping your own selfie?

Or are you using some sort of filter to try and enhance your own image?


Is it because you don’t feel worthy whilst on social media?

Is it because you feel you aren’t looking good like “everyone” else and so need to “cheat” to make yourself look better?


Well let me tell you this, social media is not what it seems. Many people are using false photos all the time!

This doesn’t mean you need to join them!

Many people feel they need to compete with everyone else and believe their natural look is not good enough, so resort to these filters.


But I can assure you, your natural look is better than any artificial filter distorting you.

That’s just lying to other people who look at you online, and you’re also lying to yourself too


You’re better than that!


So ditch the filter and let’s see the real you!

Because you ARE special, just the way you are!


Make THAT difference…

You should really try and be the best you can possibly be, day-in-day-out.

I’m not saying this will be easy because you are human and you will have down days too. That is life.

But limit your down days by uplifting those you come into contact with, on a daily basis.


You need to be the one that makes other people’s bad day, into a good day. And for those that are already having good days,

you become the one that upgrades their day to become amazing, just because of your actions, your words and your presence.


Be your best and make the best for others too!


When you do this regularly, you will not have a down day, as every one of your days will become good too!

